
To show esteem and respect for something, according to the dictionary. The more time I spend in nature with my camera (there has been a lot) the more humility, gratitude and, yes, awe, I feel for the amazing things I get to be a small part of in this lifetime. Nature is a space where we can find ourselves. A need to be a gentle guest grows stronger every day, with every flower, plant, animal, sunrise and landscape the lens captures. It is with the hope that the images will inspire others to see the beauty, fragility and cherish what is around us, I share my small creations.
To show esteem and respect for something, according to the dictionary. The more time I spend in nature with my camera (there has been a lot) the more humility, gratitude and, yes, awe, I feel for the amazing things I get to be a small part of in a lifetime. Nature is a space where we can find ourselves. A need to be a gentle guest grows stronger every day, with every flower, plant, animal, sunrise and landscape the lens captures. It is with the hope that the images will inspire others to see the beauty, fragility and cherish what is around us, I share my small creations.